I am a social epidemiologist interested in the intersection of substance abuse, mental health, and violence/injury. My research focuses mainly on the epidemiology of substance use in Chile and abroad (e.g., Latin America, the US), including the analysis of its causes, consequences, and social determinants. I specialize on survey methodology, policy evaluation, and use of quasi-experimental methods in general. I have been the principal investigator of multiple studies to characterize and measure trends of substance use and related problems in Chile, including the National Drug Surveys in School and General Population. My current research uses advanced statistical methods to model the effect of population-level strategies to prevent and treat substances use and related consequences. I am currently an associate professor at the Society and Health Research Center (CISS) and director of the PhD program in Public Policy at Universidad Mayor of Chile, and director of the Millennium nucleus for the evaluation and analysis of Drug Policies (nDP), a government funded research center. I am also an associate editor the journals Addiction and International Journal of Drug Policy.