katherine-dinamarca CISS | Universidad Mayor

Katherine Dinamarca, PhD

Assistant Professor


Center clusters

social and life-course determinants of health and aging, social relationships and cohesion

Areas of expertise

Qualitative methods, mixed methods, RDS (respondent driven sampling)


PhD in Public Policies,Universidad Mayor, Chile 2022
Master in Curriculum Development and Educational Projects,Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile 2014
Speech Pathologist,Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile 2002

Katherine Dinamarca Aravena is a speech therapist (University of Valparaíso) with a doctorate Public Policy (Universidad Mayor). With 19 years of professional experience, her area of interest and research is the study of educational policies with an inclusive approach related to health and social science professionals who work in schools collaborating with teachers. At the same time, Dr. Dinamarca is interested in issues associated with disability, educational trajectory, the understanding of social determinants that influence the occupational health of educational teams, the analysis of the role and professional training of health professionals to work in schools, social determinants and school dynamics that influence the inclusive process of a student.

Dr. Dinamarca is the first graduate of the Doctoral Program in Public Policy, which she completed with an internal scholarship from the university. She has worked for 19 years as a pre and post-graduate teacher at several Chilean universities, where she helped train health professionals to work in inclusive schools.

Dr. Dinamarca has experience in qualitative methodology, mixed methods and sampling techniques with RDS (respondent driven sampling).

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