The Center for Research in Society and Health (CISS) is dedicated to promoting well-being at individual, social, and institutional levels in a context of social, demographic, epidemiological, technological, and environmental change. To achieve this, CISS focuses on conducting high-quality interdisciplinary research with practical and policy implications, training new researchers, and disseminating evidence to broad audiences.
In this context, CISS invites researchers with a doctoral degree obtained between 2023 and 2024 to apply for the Fondecyt 2026 Postdoctoral Fellowship (ANID) with our sponsorship in the following research areas:
- Dr. Nicolás Montalva: Bioanthropology, human ecology, family, kinship, population genetics, reproduction.
- Dra. Antonia Díaz-Valdés: Gerontology and public policy.
- Dr. Esteban Calvo: Life course sociology, social epidemiology, aging, comparative public policies.
- Dra. Teresita Rocha-Jiménez: Epidemiology, public health, global health, international migration.
- Dra. Katherine Dinamarca: Public policies, educational inclusion, interprofessional dynamics.
- Dr. Diego Palacios: Adolescence, social network analysis, bullying, and victimization.
- Dra. Sarahí Rueda-Salazar: Demography, public health, dependency and care, migration, gender, public policies, social epidemiology.
- Dr. Edgardo Miranda: Quantitative methods, quantitative psychology, structural equation modeling.
- Dra. Natalia Miranda: Social movements, digital activism, participation, democracy, political sociology.
- Dr. Alexis Sossa: Sociology of the body, sociology of sports, physical activity and aging, qualitative methodology, ethnography.
You can contact us until Thursday, April 17, 2025.
Interested in applying with CISS sponsorship? Send us an email at with the following information: Your Curriculum Vitae, the researcher you would like to work with, a tentative title for your project
We look forward to your application!