On January 8 and 9, the event "Towards Inclusive Education: Reflections and Experiences from Chile and Brazil" was held, organized by Dr. Katherine Dinamarca as part of her Fondecyt Initiation project 11240369. The project focuses on the educational practices of school assistants working in Chile's School Integration Programs.
The event kicked off with two keynote lectures by Dr. Magno Nunes, who explored anti-oppressive praxis in schools and participatory research in educational settings, highlighting key strategies to promote inclusion.
The second day featured the presentation of preliminary results from Dr. Dinamarca's project. Two lectures were delivered: "Co-teaching, Teaching Work, and Inclusion: Reflections from Research and Practice" by César Maldonado-Díaz, and "Researching Processes of Educational Inclusion in and with Schools: Lessons Learned and Pending Challenges" by Ignacio Figueroa Céspedes.
The event concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Marcelo Sandoval, where the speakers engaged in a dialogue about the current and future challenges of inclusive education.
We extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in this event, whether as organizers or attendees. These gatherings are essential for fostering discussions on key educational issues and inspiring future public policies that promote inclusion and equity in education systems.
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